I am finally in the swing of Spring Break. We were off on Friday for the Easter Holiday, so Break officially started then. We had a good weekend. Chris and I went to the home of two of his assistant coaches on Saturday night for a coaches meeting. It was really productive and then we decided to celebrate the teams great season. Let's just say Chris and I aren't 20-something anymore. We tried to keep up with the young'ins and ended up paying dearly! :-) I don't plan on revisiting Goldschlager anytime soon! :-) We both paid dearly on Sunday... which was fun since we hosted Easter for my family! It was nice to spend some quality time with everyone and the day went off without a hitch. Chris and I even managed to get a little run in. The Shamrock Shuffle is SUNDAY... and let's just say I will be SHUFFLING for sure!
I've been working hard on my assignments for Stacy Julian's Library of Memories class at
Big Picture Scrapbooking. 
I have wanted to take this class the other two times it was offered, but the timing didn't work out. I am SO happy I did it this time. I am working hard to get all of my photos organized so that I can scrapbook the way I want to and WHEN I want to without having to dig through boxes. I have almost everything sorted and am now working on getting things into the storage binders she recommends. Her entire philosophy is also outlined in her newest book,
Photo Freedom I am still trying to find it locally as a resource to the class. She goes over everything more in depth in the class as well as gives us assignments and DEADLINES which is what I knew I needed.
Today I:
- Uploaded 2004 highlights folders to shutterfly. I will be ordering those prints as soon as they finish uploading. This was the first year that I was 100% digital and I really have only printed photos here and there. One of the big things is getting your photos off of the computer and printed. I have a LARGE order to set to go for 2004 alone.
- Loaded the 2004 photos that I do have into the storage binders. 2002 and 2003 are already done and FULL to the brim. I was all film then. I am planning to go back and do PRE-2002 once I have everything up to 2007 done. 2002 and 2003 each have two binders, but I am hoping the remaining years will fit in one binder. We'll see.
- Cleaned my main scrapbook desk area. It was a MESS! The rest of the room is still a mess thanks to the LOM class and gathering all of my photos. I really hope to have it back in order by the end of break. I need to find a place for the new storage binders as well as the category drawers I have on order. I will need to do some rearranging I hope.
- Finally filed the Christmas cards from 2006 and 2007. Photo cards have been assimilated into the LOM storage. Loving that!
I need to start on my Spring Break To-Do list tomorrow... calling the vet, the furniture warranty company, and the Dr to make appointments. The other big plan is to clean out the closet in our bedroom. We just need more space and I know there are TONS of things that we are not wearing and/or we can't find in the mess.
Off to do some dishes. Being home for three meals a day sure increases the amount of dishes we seem to create!