I was inspired by another member's art journal to create the tree. I love the way it turned out! The photos are squares that show snippets of ornaments on our tree.
The journaling is hidden behind the photos and reads:
O Christmas Tree
One of my favorite things about Christmas is our tree. A few years ago we decided to go ahead and get an artificial tree after years of real ones. We had a near house fire one year when Chris decided to burn the tree in our fireplace. He forgot to open the flu… you can imagine the rest! I was adamant that I wanted a tree that looked as real as possible. I am very happy with this one. I love the fact that we can put up our tree whenever and not worry about it dying too soon. This year we put it up right after Thanksgiving!
I have a very sentimental tree. Sometimes I long for the perfectly coordinated tree, but in the end I really love the way we do ours. Maybe some day we will have room for two trees and one can be fancy and the other can have all of the important ornaments. Each year since Chris and I started dating, we have bought an ornament. There are cutesy couple ones as well as others that just have the year on them. I love taking each out of the box and remembering the year we bought it. I also have ornaments from former students, student teachers, friends, and coworkers. I love that our tree has meaning.
Chris always puts up the tree and strings the lights. He wraps the trunk with lights which makes the tree glow from within. I love to get up in the morning and just turn on the Christmas tree lights. I love the warm feeling and glow that it emits. Even as a child, I would sit with just the tree lights on.
Simba, Romeo and Patches all love the tree as well! We have to keep all breakable ornaments above tail height… otherwise Romeo’s tail manages to break them. We usually have at least one casualty each year! Simba loves the sleep under the tree. Patches doesn’t seem to care one way or another anymore!
I look forward to adding ornaments made by children in the future. I hope to be able to tell them about each ornament as we hang them on the tree.
I didn't get todays prompt started at all. Had to shop for Holiday Buddy at work as well as a secret santa gift for one of my online groups. Both of them need to be sent tomorrow! Becky is coming over tomorrow after work to work on the gifts we are making for coworkers. Not sure I will get to post at all...we'll see!