Inspired by a challenge on the Two Peas Board. Thought I would jump in on it!
- I have issues with textured food. Can’t do tapioca pudding or small curd cottage cheese. Forget rice pudding or couscous.
- My middle name is Anne… I always thought that was funny since I have such an unusual first name. I went by “Pati” for about 6 weeks in middle school. Just didn’t fit!
- I LOVE pens and pencils. I could get lost in Office Max or Staples. Luckily I have some good friends who share my passion. Last year my good friend Bridget gave me an entire bag of office supplies. I LOVED it!
- I can’t watch scary movies. AT ALL. I end up having nightmares and flashbacks to the movie. My DH has gotten used to this and understands. He even warns me when a show might get too scary for me.
- Sometimes I have to look at my hands to tell Right from Left… (Your left hand makes an L.) Just something that never really stuck in my head. High IQ- no common sense sometimes!
- I could get lost in a paper bag. My sense of direction is NIL. My mom always tells me to think about which way the Lake is… not really sure how that is supposed to help. If I can’t see it, it won’t work. I also hate when people give me directions and tell me to go “East.” Tell me right or left, people!
- I am a bonafide geek. I love learning new things and reading. I am an information junkie. When something happens in my life, I deal with it by gathering as much information as I can. Makes DH crazy!
- I am guilty of letting the dogs sleep in the bed with us. I know it is not the right thing to do. Yet, I can’t help looking at their puppy eyes and giving in!
- I can’t swim. Now this is the funny part… DH is a swim coach! I have spent most of the past 10 years at swimming pools. Yet, I have never learned to swim myself. I can critique stroke and am even a level 1 official. I couldn’t swim the 25 free if my life depended on it.
- I love shoes… it really is a problem. HOWEVER, the first thing I do when I get home is take them off. Can’t stand having shoes on. I guess they are just for show?